Storrington Division

We run a door to door service covering the areas Storrington, Sullington, Thakeham and West Chiltington.

We have 3 minibuses, 2 in Storrington and 1 in West Chiltington, with wide access and storage for shopping and mobility aids.

Regular trips include shopping in Storrington, Pulborough, Holmbush, Horsham, Chichester and Worthing.

We also run scenic and garden centre trips, and Pub lunches will resume after Easter.

Our minibuses are also available to be used by local community groups, as Affiliated members, some of whom provide their own drivers.

Donation from Waitrose

Donation from Waitrose Storrington to support the Minibus taking passengers to other Waitrose locations whilst Storrington is undergoing refurbishment. From L to R  Vicky Rivaudet from Waitrose, Tim and Helen Ward, driver and escort volunteers and Jane Jeffries, Local Coordinator.

In the 6 months of 2021 that we were operating, we ran 8 trips per week, covering 1009 passenger journeys and around 5220 miles. Our 2020 services were suspended in March due to the pandemic, during which time we transported passengers to Out-patient and GP appointments.

We have a volunteer team of about 70 people – made up of drivers, escorts, admin and booking officers. The association HQ is in Storrington, and this is where the booking officers are based Monday to Fridays from 10am – 12md.

We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to join us.

Jane Jeffery, Local Coordinator, Storrington Division

For further information please contact:

Storrington Booking Office on 01903 740282

Storrington Minibus Schedule
Storrington village operates a number of buses and has a wide variety of destinations. Pick up’s from residents homes in Cootham, Thakeham (south of Jackets Hill), Sullington and Storrington Parishes or, for West Chiltington residents, in Nutbourne, Thakeham (north of Jackets Hill) and West Chiltington Parishes.

Please call the Booking office on 01903 740282 to book ALL trips, outings and lunches.

Membership information can be provided by Jenny Hibbert, West Chiltington 01798 813045 , or Anne Ford Robertson, Storrington , 01903 743261

For general information please call Local Co-ordinator Jane Jeffery on 01903 743 693

Monthly lunches details can be obtained from Ian Clarke on 01903 743261

email the team

Volunteer With West Sussex Minibus, Storrington

We are appealing for new volunteers to join our happy, diverse team. We need volunteer drivers, preferably in their 60s, with a clean driving licence. We also need assistants to help passengers while they are on the bus.

The association is an award-winning charity, run entirely by volunteers, that provides shopping trips and fun afternoon outings and pub lunch trips to members of our community without transport. It also provides a vital lifeline and social opportunities to the many amongst us who live alone.

We are a really friendly bunch and would love to hear from you. If you are able to offer just a few hours of your time each month, please call Angela Reynolds on 01903 746648 or email’